Plantings & Gardens
English Formal | Ornamental | Seasonal Color | Annuals | Perennials
Carefully Chosen Plants, Trees, and Shrubs
Having studied different plants from under the microscope to large specimen trees, we have an excellent understanding of what works best with the different environments we have to work within. We carefully choose plant material suitable for your application based on the climate, topography and soil, but focus on:
Color | Texture | Hardiness | Deer Susceptibility
Our plant installation practices combined with our aftercare maintenance program ensure health and sustainability of our plants. The importance of proper planting and care today will create a lifetime of function and beauty in your landscape.
Our Own Private Nursery
We have our own private nursery with all types of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals. From ornamental to evergreen trees to flowering perennials, our selection enables us to fulfill your planting requirements all year with fresh, healthy material.
We pride ourselves on using unique cultivars that are uncommon in the landscape and continuously search for newer species of plants that will flourish and provide unique features. All material is hand selected for each individual project to ensure the right plants for the job. We use mostly locally grown material that is already well adapted to our climate and environment.
Whether it is English Formal, Ornamental or Perennial, we can design a specialty garden for you.